Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Christmas Chronicles: The Autobiography Of Santa Claus as told to Jeff Guinn

The Christmas Chronicles: The Autobiography of Santa Claus as told to Jeff Guinn

While searching online for another Santa Claus book we used to have, I noticed this 3 volume-in-one book and decided to buy a copy on amazon. After getting my copy, I ordered 7 more copies for Christmas gifts and then yesterday, ordered two more. This story on Santa's life is absolutely captivating from start to finish. I started reading this first story to my hubby before the Thanksgiving holiday and due to family here for several days, wasn't able to finish reading it to Bob until a little while ago.

The author, Jeff Guinn, has meticulously researched little known tidbits on Santa Claus and where and when he was born, how he came to be known as Santa Claus and how he evolved as a gift-making, gift-giving loving man. Since Saint Nicholas was born approx 200 years after our savior Jesus Christ was born, we get a very strong dose of the history of how Christmas came to be, how it has evolved as a tradition over the centuries, with a lot of information on the importance of our savior's birth, to have faith and to show love towards everyone.

The little tidbits of history are so interesting and keep the interest throughout the story. Saint Nicholas is an only child and his gift-giving days start early and he finds he can travel faster than anyone else has ever done before and that he never ages. He meets some very important and well-known characters along the way and some of them join up with he, Felix and Layla, Mrs. Claus, for some great and fun adventures. I read a negative comment on Goodreads that a reviewer thought having Santa traveling slower in war torn countries was ludicrous, as he should've been traveling at the same speed. What this person seemed to not understand was that Santa could only give toys to kids that lived in peaceful countries and that war-torn countries were places Santa was not welcome in. I'm sure the children in those countries needed Santa, but those countries weren't celebrating Christmas or Jesus's birth.

If you're looking for a unique and special book to give for Christmas this year, then this one is the one for gift-giving. The special people from history will absolutely delight and captivate you. You'll learn how chimneys came into play, reindeer, toy factories, and how Santa learned how to fly, all with the genius of Leonardo DaVinci. This book just has a little bit of everything for everyone. If you love history and Santa Claus, you'll love The Autobiography of Santa Claus!!!!

The Christmas Chronicles is my book I bought through Amazon at The Hungry Bookworm in Los Angeles, CA. for just $2.47!!!

Forever Friends Rating A HUGE 5 Stars by Teri
Until Next Time, See You Around The Book Nook.

Publisher: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin Group

Publishing Date: September 2008
ISBN: 978-1-58542-669-0

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Another Testament: Reflections of Christ by Mark Mabry

Another Testament: Reflections of Christ by Mark Mabry

In this new follow-up to Mark's first book on Reflections of Christ, he shows us more of his photographic artistry with beautiful images of Christ's appearing in the Americas. I got goosebumps just reading how he was able to get the right setting for the photographs and how the actors came alive in pretending to be the real people. With both imagary and scriptures interwoven through each page, you can feel the spirit testify of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. This is a wonderful tool for spreading the Gospel message of the divinity of Jesus Christ, especially when He's needed so much at this specific time in America's history. Having the DVD as a companion piece is an extra plus. This makes a wonderful Christmas gift to set out on a coffee table as a great conversation tool.

I received my review copy from Deseret Book Company, along with the DVD.

Forever Friends Rating 5 HUGE Stars by Teri
Until Next Time, See You Around The Book Nook.

Pub. Date: October 2009
Publisher: Deseret Book Company
ISBN-13: 9781606411483
ISBN: 1606411489
Format: Hardcover 80pp