Thursday, March 8, 2012

Passage On The Titanic by Anita Stansfield

Passage On The Titanic by Anita Stansfield

When I read through a newsletter from Anita a few weeks ago that her newest novel would soon be released and that it was about the Titanic, I knew I had to get it and get it quickly, as I'm a HUGE Titanic fan and have read a lot of books on this subject. Since Anita usually writes a series of books when she writes, I was hoping there would be a sequel, but at this point, I'm not sure. We'll just have to wait and see.
The story starts out with the sinking of the ship, with the main characters Ella Brown, who is a fictional character and with incorporating a real-life character into the story. This person happens to be Irene Corbett, an LDS woman from Utah, who strongly feels she needs to further her nursing skills in London in midwifery. She prays about this important undertaking, as she'll need to leave her husband and three young children for 6 months or more.
Ella, a young English girl, loses both of her parents, so is forced to live an impoverished life on the streets of London, winding up in the hospital in a life-threatening state, the same hospital Irene is working in. Irene feels a strong connection with Ella and they bond quickly. Irene finds a place for Ella to live, where in time, she finds work as a nanny. When Irene has finished her schooling, she books passage on this new ship that has been touted as being unsinkable. Ella is totally surprised when the family she works for also books passage on the Titanic for a vacation in America. Both women find the ship wonderful, especially with knowing the Titanic has many pianos onboard.
When both ladies hear and feel the ship hitting the iceberg, they begin to gather a few things together. Ella loses sight of Irene when Irene puts her in a lifeboat. The next morning, when the ship Carpathia arrives where they expected the Titanic to be, they see nothing but lifeboats with survivors in them.
Deeply shaken by this catastropic event, Ella finds comfort and healing in the care of rescue crewman Jonathan Moreau and his loving family. Can Ella ever find peace and happiness with the constant nightmares over this devastating event? This powerful novel evokes compassion, redemption, hope and survival as never before, as this really happened.

I bought my copy from Seagull.

Publisher: Covenant Communications, Inc.
Date Published: Feb 2012
ISBN: 978-1-60861-856-9


DanielleThorne said...

I'm looking forward to checking this out.

Jewel's Gems said...

Very pretty, Teri! I really like the colors, and great review:-)